Chern-Weil Theorem

Recall that given a vector bundle on $M$, there exists (many) connections $\nabla^E\mathpunct{:}\Gamma(E)\to\Gamma(T^\ast M\otimes E)$, which can be extended to $\nabla^E\mathpunct{:}\Omega^\cdot(M;E)\to\Omega^{\cdot+1}(M;E)$, and we defined the curvature (operator) $R^E$ of $\nabla^E$ as
it can be viewed as a matrix of 2-forms. What is more, it satisfy the Bianchi identity $[\nabla^E,R^E]=0$.
For any smooth section $A$ of the bundle of $\End(E)$ (which is a vector bundle of fiber $\End(E_p)$, where $E_p$ is the fiber of $E$ at $p$), the fiberwise trace of $A$ is a smooth function on $M$, denote it by $\tr[A]$. The function $\tr[A]$ further induces a map
\omega\otimes A&\mapsto\tr[A]\omega,
where $\omega\in\Omega^\cdot(M)$ and $A\in\Gamma(\End(E))$, we still call it the function of trace.

We also extend the Lie bracket operation on $\End(E)$ to $\Omega^\cdot(M,\End(E))$ as
[A,B]=A\wedge B-(-1)^{|A||B|}A\wedge B,
where $A\in\Omega^k(M;\End(E))$, $B\in\Omega^l(M;\End(E))$ (thus, $|A|=k$, $|B|=l$).

Now, we turn to proof the two fundamental Lemmas as a preliminary of the Theorem of Chern-Weil.

引理 1. For any $A,B\in\Omega^\cdot(M;\End(E))$, we have

证明 . With out loss of generality, assume that $A=\omega\otimes A_0$, $B=\eta\otimes B_0$, where $\omega\in\Omega^k(M)$, $\eta\in\Omega^l(M)$, $A_0$, $B_0\in\Gamma(\End(E))$ (the general case is just a combination of these terms), sometimes, for simplicity, we also omit the tenser product, denote $\omega\otimes A_0$ as $\omega A_0$. Then (note that $A_0$, $B_0$ are merely matrix)
[A,B]&=(\omega A_0)\wedge(\eta B_0)-(-1)^{kl}(\eta B_0)\wedge(\omega A_0)\\
&=(\omega\wedge\eta)A_0 B_0-(-1)^{kl}(\eta\wedge\omega)(B_0A_0)\\

引理 2. For $A\in\Omega^\cdot(M;\End(E))$, we have

Before we dealing with the proof, Let us recall some facts. Firstly,
In fact, Recall that, if we define a map $A\mathpunct{:}\Omega^\cdot(M,E)\to\Omega^\cdot(M;E)$ by $(As)(p)=A(p)s(p)$, for $s\in\Omega^\cdot(M;E)$, then $A\in\Omega^\cdot(M;\End(E))$ if and only if $A(fs)=f(As)$ holds for any $f\in C^\infty(M)$ and $s\in\Omega^\cdot(M;\End(E))$.

Now, for $\nabla^E\mathpunct{:}\Omega^\cdot(M;E)\to\Omega^{\cdot+1}(M;E)$, we have
&=\rd f\wedge(As)+f\nabla^E(As)-(-1)^{|A|}(A(\rd f\wedge s+f\nabla^E s))\\
&=\rd f\wedge(As)-(-1)^{|A|}A(\rd f\wedge s)+f\nabla^E(As)-(-1)^{|A|}fA(\nabla^E s)\\
Thus, $[\nabla^E,A]\in\Omega^\cdot(M;\End(E))$. This show that $\tr\left[[\nabla^E,A]\right]$ make sense.

证明 . Firstly, if $\tilde\nabla^E$ is another connection on $E$, then from the Leibniz rule in the definition of connection, one can verifies that
Thus, the above Lemma says that
that is, the righthand side of the formula in the Lemma is independent on $\nabla^E$.

Since the righthand side is a local operator ($\nabla^E$ is local), we can assume that $E$ is trivial, and take a connection as $\nabla^E=\rd+\omega$ for some $\omega\in\Omega^\cdot(M;\End(E))$ to verify that the formula holds.

In fact,
&=\rd\cdot A-(-1)^{|A|}A\rd+[\omega,A],
\tr\left[[\nabla^E,A]\right]=\tr[\rd\cdot A-(-1)^{|A|}A\rd].
Note that
(\rd\cdot A-(-1)^{|A|}A\rd)s&=\rd\cdot(As)-(-1)^{|A|}A(\rd s)\\
&=(\rd A)s+(-1)^{|A|}A\cdot\rd s-(-1)^{|A|}A(\rd s)\\
&=(\rd A)s,
\tr\left[[\nabla^E,A]\right]=\tr[\rd A]=\rd(\tr[A]).

Now we have $\tr\left[[\nabla^E,A]\right]=\rd(\tr[A])$, thus, if $[\nabla^E,A]=0$, for example, take $A=R^E$, then $\tr[A]$ is closed. This shows that we can find closed forms by this method. Clearly, if $[\nabla^E,A]=0$ then $[\nabla^E,(A)^k]=0$, thus $\rd(\tr[A^k])=0$, and similarly, for any power series $f(x)$, we have $[\nabla,f(A)]=0$, thus $\rd(\tr[f(A)])=0$.

The above analysis shows that $[\tr[f(A)]]$ is an element of de Rham cohomology $H_{dR}^\cdot(M;E)$, it seems depend on $M$, $E$ and $\nabla^E$, while our invariant quantity of $E$ should be independent on the connection $\nabla^E$.

The Chern-Weil theory claims that $\tr\left[[f(R^E)]\right]$ is independent on $\nabla^E$.

Before we turn to the proof, let us set some definition

定义 3. Suppose $R^E$ is the curvature of $\nabla^E$, for any power series $f$, $\tr[f(R^E)]$ is a closed form, thus $\left[\tr[f(R^E)\right]\in H_{dR}^\cdot(M;\C)$. We call $\left[\tr[f(R^E)\right]$ the $f$-characteristic classes of $E$, and $\tr[f(R^E)]$ the $f$-characteristic differential form, and $\int_M\tr[f(R^E)]$ the $f$-characteristic number.

Now, we will prove that the definition is independent on $\nabla^E$.
定理 4. If $\nabla_0^E$ and $\nabla_1^E$ are two connections on $E$ and the associated curvature are $R_0^E$ and $R^E_1$, respectively, Then there is a differential form $\omega\in\Omega^\cdot(M)$ such that
this post is updated, added this proof, since yesterday is too late for me to write it out from my notes.
证明 . Define $\nabla^E_t=(1-t)\nabla_0^E+t\nabla_1^E$, then you can verify that it is still a connection on $E$ for $t\in[0,1]$. Set $R_t^E=(\nabla_t^E)^2$, then $\tr[f(R_t^E)]$ is a closed form. Note that
\tr[f(R_1^E)]-\tr[f(R_0^E)]=\int_0^1\left\{\frac{\rd}{\rd t}\tr[f(R_t^E)]\right\}\rd t,
\int_0^1\left\{\frac{\rd}{\rd t}\tr[f(R_t^E)]\right\}\rd t
&=\int_0^1\tr\left[\frac{\rd}{\rd t}\left(f(R_t^E)\right)\right]\rd t\\
&=\int_0^1\tr\left[f'(R^E_t)\cdot\frac{\rd R_t^E}{\rd t}\right]\rd t\\
&=\int_0^1\tr\left[\frac{\rd R_t^E}{\rd t}\cdot f'(R_t^E)\right]\rd t\quad\text{they are just matrix}\\
&=\int_0^1\tr\left[\left(\frac{\rd \nabla_t^E}{\rd t}\nabla_t^E
+\nabla_t^E\frac{\rd\nabla_t^E}{\rd t}\right)f'(R_t^E)\right]\rd t\\
&=\int_0^1\tr\left[[\nabla_t^E,\frac{\rd\nabla_t^E}{\rd t}]f'(R_t^E)\right]\rd t\quad\text{$R_t^E$ is a matrix of 2-forms}\\
&\overset{\ast}{=}\int_0^1\tr\left[[\nabla_t^E,\frac{\rd\nabla_t^E}{\rd t}f'(R_t^E)]\right]\rd t\\
&=\int_0^1\rd\left(\tr\left[\frac{\rd\nabla_t^E}{\rd t}f'(R_t^E)\right]\right)\rd t\quad\text{by Lemma 2}\\
&=\rd\left\{\int_0^1\tr\left[\frac{\rd\nabla_t^E}{\rd t}f'(R_t^E)\right]\rd t\right\},
The stared equality holds, since
\frac{\rd\nabla_t^E}{\rd t}=\nabla_1^E-\nabla^E_0\in\Omega^\cdot(M;\End(E),
then apply Bianchi identity.

注记 1. Chern call the integral
\int_0^1\tr\left[\frac{\rd\nabla_t^E}{\rd t}f'(R_t^E)\right]\rd t
as transgressed form.

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