Suggestions for Visitors and Writers

This post is quite important, which includes suggestions on what you can do to improve your experience of browsing and some problems when you try to post some stuff on this site.

For Visitors:

  1. First of first, is that you should use Chorme 16, FireFox 7.8, IE 9.0 or upper browser.
  2. In case your browser is satisfied, but the math formula is not rendered, please first make sure that you can visit the MathJax, since the math render rely on it, and then empty your cache and refresh the page
  3. You can click left side of the each post to jump to top, jump to bottom, or to the comments fields quickly.
  4. You can close/open the sidebar of each post by clicking the close/show sidebar text ( after the title of each post).
  5. You can leave a comment without log in, but the username and Email should be filled.
  6. You can preview you comments before submit it, this is made available by Ajax.
  7. If you find something is quite important to you, then you can print it, please use Chorme to print, in case you have a problem (such as the formulae cannot aligned).

For Writors:

  • Registration and Log In

    1. If you want to post a post, you must register and log in.
    2. You should not use 163 mail to registration, since it view the mail sent by wamath as spam.
    3. The blog will sent your password by the Email of your registration, so please make sure that it is available.
    4. The blog will sent a Email to you whenever your post has a new comments or Ping-back/Track.
  • Latex and Math Formula

    1. It is strongly recommend that your should read the introduction to Latex2Html plugin for its fantastic features.
    2. You can use LaTeX code in your post, tutorials and examples.
    3. If you have post something that come from a LaTeX document, please copy and paste the contents between and into the (wordpress) editor.
    4. Make sure that your pasting is in the HTML mode (see the up-right corner of editor), since in the visualization mode it will add <pre> and </pre> tag, which will make your LaTeX code unprocessed by MathJax.
    5. Preview your post before you submitted for review, following are something that you should keep an eye on it:
      1. Make sure that the LaTeX code translated correctly, if not,
        1. firstly please check your content of post under the HTML edit mode, remove <pre> and </pre> tag;
        2. This can also cased by the cache, please empty your browser’s cache;
      2. Check the hyperlink works, see the scheme of auto-numbering and how the referring them back at Here;
    6. If there are some math command defined by yourself which are not translated by MathJax (which will marked in red color), then add its definition at the beginning of your post, but please use \$ and \$ the warp it, for more information and examples, see Here
    7. Make sure you have read your post at least once before submitting it
  • Tips on Your Latex Code

    1. Add the pre-definition code Here at the preamble of your latex document, and use them in your document
    2. Do not press Enter Key except that there is the beginning of a new paragraph, since the Enter Key is a newline for HTML;
    3. Use \eqref to refer to a numbered-equation, which will add () automatically, and use \ref to refer the (sub)sections or environments (such as thm), which will add the name of environment (eg. Theorem) automatically, but still if there are name (eg. Theorem) added by hand, it will remove it.
    4. If you use > or < for greater and lesser in math, please add a blank-space before > and a blank-space after < . Or you will make the HTML translation program confused, since are standard tags for HTML language(code).
  • Submit for Review

    1. You should set tags for your post.
    2. You should select a category for your post, if the existence are not properly for your post, please create a new one.
  • About the Limits of Authority

    1. If you are not registered at wamath, then you can view all the post except that it protected by password (which was set by the author)
    2. After you have registered, your identity is Contributors, your article need review by the administrator
    3. Contributors can be upgrade to be Author, which needn’t review before you post present at the front-end, but please make sure that you have already know well the basic rules of this site, such as how to post in a specification manner before your application

If you have any questions, please not wait to write me an Email by [email protected], for more information about me, see the Contact page.


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