Lecture Notes PDF My Lecture Notes 代数拓扑—南开暑期学校讲义 (南开暑期学校, 2011) Lecture Notes on Riemannian-Fensler Geometry (重庆理工大学听课笔记) A Course in Minimal Surface (PDF密码:minimalsurfaces) 李群导引 (PDF密码:LieGroups) Speaks and Lectures Galois Theory(伽罗华理论)—北大丁伟丘 Valuation on sobolev spaces —by Monika Ludwig Integral Geometry & Geometric Probability —by Andrejs Treibergs Epsilon Regularity—by Brian Weber Collapsing and $F$-Structures—by Brian Weber Regularity for critical elliptic system with an anti-symmetric structure— M.M. Zhu(pw:zhuhm) Classic Books and Lectures DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY: A First Course in Curves and Surfaces by Theodore Shifrin PDE of Evans’ book by John K. Hunter (The author’s original link: go Here)